Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
God damn Seungho is still one of the most scariest bastards in the BL/yaoi genre.
Tale of the Yellow Dragon
This couple is one of my favorites. The sex scenes are so hot. Their love was everlasting I’m crying. They went through so much and waited so much for each other I’m so happy that they ended up being able to find a way to stay forever together. I can feel the love radiating off of them and I love how this how story was created and everything about it.
Kakumei no α
LOVE LOVE LOVE. I really hope there is a happy ending.
A Painter Behind the Curtain
SOOO BEUTIFUL. I only wish we could’ve seen more of Henry cuz I kinda feel bad for the fellow (he’s in love with uke Ian) I love how the seme Raymond looks and I like how he didn’t just magically fall deep in love with the uke as soon as he realized Ian’s feelings towards him. Uke reacted like I would in his situation and although it was frustrating how nice he was it completely made sense. The Bardi head is a disgusting son of a bitch and I agree with Ian that he died to easily. I kinda wonder what happened to the princess but at the same time that bitch need to go. I wish we could’ve gotten some side stories of Nicolas, Raymond’s sister and their baby!! If it might be a little boring tho since we already know their love naturally blossomed through the time they spent painting together... This is among my favorite BL/ comics that I have read!!!
Haunted by Desire
This is by far one of the best stories I have read. Even yanhwacheop can’t top this. The art is beautiful and the characters are complex.
The Tyrant's Annals
This low key is just straight up porn… the story doesn’t make sense to me yet. Why is everyone gay
Bruh this does not have a happy ending. I think they end up killing jeongyi for supposedly being catholic in the prison (they probably lied and by releasing prisoners they mean killing them). I’m the end Gyeom grew old by himself waiting for jeongyi to meet him in Qing (China)
Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkabito no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka