Replay (Tsukahara saki)
So cute!!! I want to know why Ritsu ended up not wanting to continue baseball tho like he might’ve just participated because of Yuta just like Yuta felt like he could only be the best pitcher if Ritsu was the one catching his balls but like why didn’t y’all both try to go pro or at least Yuta. It seemed that Yuta did get genuine joy out of baseball even when Ritsu wasn’t his catcher. Otherwise vv cute story. The scene of them with their uniforms is my guilty pleasure.
My "Toy" is Connected to My Best Friend
Sooo good actually. But if I were misaki I would be so scared like being molested by a ghost sounds so scary even though it wasn’t actually a ghost. Also the guilt that Sasaki now carrys. I think this story is too light hearted to go into the whole religion thing and how that affects their relationship.
Tiger and Tiger Gourd
They match each others energy I love it. I just wish it were longer showing them living together through university.
Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai
Cute short story of a college romance. I like how one of the messages of this story is that there doesn’t have to be one profound thing that attracts you to someone you can like someone just because of their aura/vibe. I like how Natsuo tried to learn more about Haine (his species) before going out with him and I liked how protective Natuso’s friend was of him because Haine really was a playboy and seemed like he just wanted Natsuo for sex in the beginning
Boy Meets Maria