I’m so glad the author didn’t make Jun the villain because he actually is kinda pure uwu. I feel like a lot of relationships are like that in real life. They just decide to stay together and love each other and that’s that. The group of friends was so funny together and they were all ass hats. Nam Hyunwoo has some serious issues but I can relate to him just because I feel like this is something similar to what I went through in the past with my friendships. I also feel like I am someone like Hyunwoo where I feel like the “magic” of crushes goes away as soon as you’re in the relationship with the person and also that I hide my feelings/keep them to myself. I genuinely hope that Subin and Jun have a nice long life together and are happy with their cat. I also hope dongjun gets laid at least once Nam Hyunwoo just needs to meet someone that can make him feel like Subin made him feel (like he wants to actually hold onto that person) and also make him realize how fulfilling relationships can be (I also want to meet someone that makes me feel this way). I kinda shipped ji hun and Hyunwoo... just low key tho. I kinda feel like he’ll just live a shallow life with a successful music producing career in LA
Hate Mate