A Dead Crow's Stare Webtoon
Non-con/ Rape. Alex was alright. Dave was a rapist and an intruder. He shouldn't have insert himself in the relationship. Jinwoo and Alex r'ship was becoming so sweet with Alex being such a great protector of Jinwoo. Dave was an annoying unnecessary third wheel.
Zombie Hide Sex
Pretty good plot. Too much sex from the main couple. Ecstatic to see Sen and Amata in this story. They're so cool. Want to see them lovey dovey too. Hoping for Kouta and Iwadate end game. Really want update
Exotic Love
Sexy af. Art so beautiful. Chibi really cute. MC is such an awful person. What is there to love about the a*#hole? Seems to me, ML is obsessed with MC due to lust more than love. Seriously, the MC is seriously a s*^t person so undeserving of ML 's love. Still like the story as it's really sexy
Jikyuu Jisoku de Nani ga Warui
Shigoto Suru Yori Kimi to Netai
Sweet and caring couple. Wholesome. Sexy smut. The title doesn't quite fit the sweet and tender love story.
Muri Marriage
Such a fun, sweet and cute story. Love the couple. Seme was such a whipped tsundere puppy. Uke is funny and sweet.
Hot and sexy. Angsty. Roller-coaster. Uke sleeping w his best friend seem so unnecessary. The best friend didn't even demand for the sex. Uke just offered. Didn't like that arc at all
Loved it. Three couples, three stories connected by one bakery. Story 1: cute, 2:sweet and 3: bitter-sweet.
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