Golden Days
fave- 2 : Mitsuya faints then throws up 7 : Mitsuya gets hit in the head 33-4 : Mitsuya is attacked, faints 36-7 : Mitsuya gets knocked out in a fight 43-7 : Mitsuya is shot
Gohou Drug
fave- 1 : Kazahaya almost faints from psychic vision 4-5 : Kazahaya almost drowns, Rikuou saves him, (5) Kazahaya gets a cold/fever as a result, faints 10 : Kazahaya faints after psychic possession 19-23 : Kazahaya collapses/feels sick after trying to 'read' an object, (20) then gets possessed by a lil vampire, feels his pain, (21) faints, (23) Rikuou suffers from blood loss Series: ➤ 1. Gohou Drug (Lawful Drug) 2. Drug & Drop
Kyou Kara Maoh
Penguin Revolution
6 : Ryou gets hit in the head during a stage performance, faints 11 : Ryou passes out due to an explosion on film set 18 : Ryou has a bit of an 'out of it' moment during an awards ceremony 22 : Ryou is knocked out by some sleeping incense
Minna Ai No Seine
LR c 5 Fave - 1 : Masato faints at school, & has an asthma attack at his aunts
Heart of Thomas
6 : Juli falls down stairs
Donten ni Warau
aka Laughing Under the Clouds 1, 4, 10 Series: 1. Rengoku ni Warau - (set 300 years before Donten ni Warau) ➤ 2. Donten ni Warau (Laughing Under the Clouds) - (main) 3. Donten ni Warau Gaiden they're making a live action movie anime (dub): anime fave: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10
Jinjuu Houretsuden