K999's manga / #rape(4)

Too Deep in Love

Complete | Hashimoto Mitsu | 2000 released
2020-07-11 18:19 marked

Well, it's horrible. You're my boyfriend so I can rape you. I can't read this, too unhealthy. Both of them have some problems.

Neji no Kaiten

Complete | sadahiro mika | 2000 released

Owaranai Fukou Ni Tsuite No Hanashi

Complete | ogawa chise | 2013 released
2021-05-14 19:37 marked
Tags: rape

The rape scene ruins this manga. Being desperate because you like someone doesn't give you the rights to rape him. It's disgusting. I can't give a higher rate. That character doesn't even realize that he did a bad thing, neither does the one being raped. So unhealthy.

Warawanakute Ii Noni

Complete | Aino Coco | 2017 released
2023-01-05 09:00 marked
Tags: cute rape