Itou-san (KURAKA Sui)
I have no idea how to feel about this one other than MORE. MORE. I hunger for more of this messed-up brokenness.
Asa to Mitya
Escape From The Night
Ookami Shounen To Hamu No Hito
Okay, so, fuck it, I want a continuation so bad that I wanna write it myself. Maybe I will (if I do it'll be on my ao3, under my username "Inbredipus" ︎)! But, anyway, I kinda understand this. I mean, I never had the trouble with coming out because I'm terrible at keeping secrets about myself (and also because I didn't think it was weird, 'cuz it isn't, thank you very much). Still, I know the pain of hiding stuff about yourself and being unable to finally show it when you need to. It's not fun, yeah?
Oh sweet lord above I have just put myself 3 extra circles deeper into hell. At this rate I'll be serving Asmodeus himself (he's the demon prince of Lust, yeah, so... I'm certainly gonna be dealing with him if I go to hell. Which I definitely am). This is ridiculously hardcore, and ridiculously sexy, and it is just a good time.
Horo Horo To