Complete | TOMOCHI | 2016 released
Complete | Nelly Kang | 2017 released
2018-05-26 22:18 marked
It pains my heart to see this conpleted although it was really good and the best just that I do not want it to end yet.
Wonder Border
Ongoing | Aki Ueda | 2000 released
Both trashes do suit well together, passing green hats to their unknowing partners, DIS-GUS-TANG! Natsuro and Toko deserves better >:( Also I hate how they tryna be like Oh Natsuro Meets new guy and be happy anyway~ FOCK! YO! BULLLSHIET!!
Serve, Get Thrusted and Beg for Love
Ongoing | Teniya yoshiwaki | 2019 released
Retsujo Love Cross