At the End of the Road
It's undoubtedly a good story. I'd have given it a 5star if :- 1. They showed what happened to the younger brother or Atleast made him pay up. Similarly with The bad guy Joohoon. I mean he did rape the original Siwon and tortured him. 2. Joonwoon backstory (which the author mentioned not explaining) 3. The ending seemed a bit rushed. Other than that it's a Gem of a story. It'd be great if we had more of this
Under Grand Hotel
My Mother’s Lover
Roller coaster ride. When you reach the end you'll be wanting more to hapoen between the characters who end up together. (No spoilers) Needed more happy for MLs
Rabbit Hole
It was too good to be this short. One girl bringing thw downfall of a family. Each one of them Deserved it. The main lead, heeyon could've been shown as some freelance agent rather than the usual escort. That would've made the plot so much more interesting.
Walk on Water