Here U Are
I can read it 100 times and not get enough of it. A story that touched my heart. The characters their reasons everything... Beautiful I hope it didn't end so soon. WANT MORE
Path to You
Did I mention how great the pace is ? One of my fav BLs for it smooth pace, realistic storyline and great character backgrounds. Love love love it
Make Me Bark
Rain Again
It's a story of 2 neighbours, set in real world. How 2 different people get to know each other and what it means to them. I'm glad I picked this up
Don't Leave After School
The Translation is HORRIBLE. I can't imagine getting past a few chapters at this rate. The story is also kinda predictable. And boring. Art is mediocre. I came here for the ratings and would've read it if only the translation was Somewhat okay. This seems like a pre schooler's translation. I understand that translation is a difficult task but seriously wth ?! I hope you guys agree
Guang Xiang
Another great work by "Here U are"s author. Nice and serene and pure.
Almost Love