I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
9/10 short story but overall very interesting
The Blood Of Madam Giselle
9/10 why the fuck did you send him away?!?!?!? Just why?!? You’re in trouble and you send away the only person who can protect you and loves you!!!
Dine With a Vampire
7/10 I fucking hate abusive relationship and the things that bastard did to Sooin make my blood boil. I sure hope Park find out soon who he really is. Sooin is such a cutie who deserves the best, especially after everything. Hate the long haired guy also Story is nice but still not enough progress
The Maid and the Vampire
8/10 everything was perfect until the end of the main story From there it started to slowly decline The whole story about the child was just bad It could have ended decently with just showing that they had a child together and showing a bit of his childhood but instead it suddenly fast forwarded to him reaching teenage hood and it became a mess. But still I’m not mad at the main story I’m a sucker for a male lead that is also a simp
Blood Bank