A Way To Protect The Lovable You
6/10 the concept is not new but still it’s very interesting to see how it will play out The mom is a bitch and the other priests are just there to piss the readers off The heroine is too weak-willed Like,girl...if you know already what’s gonna happen why aren’t you more aggressive with your decisions and actions She still lets her mother control her with fear... Not good The male lead is a cutie, especially when he blushes uwu Hope it gets better Edit: ok, it got wayyyyy better as the story progressed 8/10, I’m impatient to see the evil bitch meet her demise ahah I don’t know if it’s the story or if it’s just the translations fault that some parts are hard to understand Like, girl, you left your wings while they are fighting for you and you’re just gonna forget about them to bone your husband? Like wtf???
Anyone Can Become a Villainess