Arabian Porno
Why She Lives as a Villainess
8/10 this manhwa is really good at pushing my buttons There are some moments a that are just rage inducing 99% of the time I just want to choke those bitches and bastards until their faces turn blue Even the supposed “good girl” is a two faced bitch Her, the prince, the sister, the brother and the father can all drop dead for all I care The maid is soo precious, she has to be protected I don’t like the fact that they never show her fighting
The Princess is Evil
8/10 nothing relevant yet but seems interesting The child is sooo adorable
9/10 the art style is very good, the story is the slow burn type but I don’t mind it much (although sometimes I do), the emperor is a total hottie and a simp and the uke is a cutiepie with ptsd…poor baby…. I hope they get together soon I know that in the past life the emperor was abusive and just the worst but now things are totally different… Being with the uke in human child form has made him softer and more compassionate, even human like…
I Only Came to Find my Dad
8/10 I gotta be honest she’s kinda frustrating Like girl, don’t just say that you’re gonna change things and that thing will not go like in the past, do something for goodness sake, ANYTHING! Luckily she was able to get away from her creepy uncle I love the fact that the father loves her so much already I kinda wish for her to get stronger, especially mentally But still I can sympathise with her fear
Into the light once again
8/10 for now it’s really good I hope those two are okay, especially the older brother He’s so precious and loving I don’t want anything bad happen to him The parents are major goals, they are just perfect I hope she gets her vengeance but doesn’t forget to treasure her family Don’t keep them at a distance
Finding Camellia
9/10 the male lead is a total hottie I would like to see a more strong side to her, instead of the usual calm and obedient side I kinda want her to fight almost like a man, to have that strength and determination Also because if she’s too weak and feminine she won’t be able to hide the fact that she’s a girl for much longer The brother has to be protected, the silver haired dude can also be the male lead so I’m torn between him and the dark haired one The mother can suck it
The Prince's Personal Physician
9/10 the story is interesting thus far but what the hell is wrong with these people She can help them but all they do is get angry and don’t listen She can save them but because of their attitude and ignorance, they’re not willing to listen God! This makes me soo mad Thank god the prince is on her side… He’s stubborn but he’s not that bad The sister is adorable and the knight is a good friend
Draig Mid Knight