Boku no Osekkai Darling
Young prostitute with a sad past meets caring oji-San Seme who truly loves and cares for him like no other has done before. Part of a series involving other couples. The Seme in this story is the boss of the company
Okane nara Arimasu
Quite depressing though has a happy ending Uke is a male escort due to his ex who owns a large amount of debt and ran away after co-signing it to him. What’s even sadder is he’s been abused and abandoned his entire life. Then comes the Seme who’s a regular office worker who’s known nothing but work. He falls in love and treats the uke with such care and selflessness that the uke coudknt help but fall in love with him too
Keeping His Whims in Check
Handsome rich successful Seme has it all, with no shortage of women, but he falls for a local male prostitute who he looked down upon in the beginning, but couldn’t take his eyes off him. Both of them were in denial at first, but their feelings are genuine and mutual. Uke quit prostitution for him, but didn’t say it, because he’s stubborn too and wanted the Seme to say it first
Midara na Hina wa Haru o Uru
Uke has been in prostitution and abuse since he was a child. Very dark background story. Seme couldn’t help but notice him at school, first wanting to be friends, then falling for the helpless Uke who’s clearly in pain. It’s good that they have a happy ending, but it feels unsatisfying because the Uke didn’t really get justice. The pimp just kinda left him alone while receiving no consequences himself
Yona Yona, Amaku
Their love is a little lack luster. They became bros through parents remarriage, the Seme is successful and the uke night job besides being a web designer is a male escort. I feel like the uke could’ve quit his job a little earlier, he doesn’t seem to be in need of money or desperate for human contact. A bit odd
Hanbun Ageru
This is the fluffiest story ever about a boy being pimped by his own mom finding love and solace in a classmate who held his hand and ran away together once. Lowkey mad that the mom didn’t get the karma she deserved. Seme actually had to keep selling his body to escape from his own fate, except he started to choose his own clients instead of letting his mom. Uke was a coward and he recognized his own weakness, but I can’t bring myself to hate him because they were just children. I wished the uke would’ve spoken to the police to get the Seme out of there sooner…but can’t bring myself to give this anything less than 5 stars
He Knows What I Do After Dark
Uke is a little dumb and naive. He has such low self esteem that he naively believes no one would want him if he doesn’t sell himself. His pimp is someone he trusts in only because of sweet words and nothing more. Mizuto Kusaka is a serious and diligent office worker... by day. At night, however, he works as a rent-boy! One day, he heads to the club after work as usual, but the client who's waiting for him is, unbelievably, his obnoxious, accomplished coworker Shinichi Takasugi! Shinichi gently caresses Mizuto, who can't help finding it... irresistible... An arrogant hotshot and a goody-goody with a wild side get down 'n' dirty in this steamy office romance!
Oazuke no Kiss no Yukue
Shun Nakanishi regularly has hectic work weeks as an editor of a weekly magazine. He often has to tough out long stakeouts to catch the latest scoop, leaving him with no time for any romantic relationships. No matter, Shun likes reserving professionals to relieve his built up stress and frustrations. He especially loves never seeing his one night stands again, after he's had his fair share of deep kisses with them. But what will he do when he reserves Naoki, a young and lively prostitute who is just his type, but has one very strict rule AGAINST kissing...?
Iki o Tomete, Ugokanai de