Himegoto Asobi
I think this is a good read. At first, I was kinda suspicious how Tanihara acted so careless, but that was because of his past (i think). I loved sensei. His personality got me and his innocent manners... Ahhh. I really love unrequited loves so I liked the facted that sensei liked Tanihara and even if he thought Tanihara just used him like some sex object he agreed. I like how this story developed (I just think that before they assumed a relantionship there were some additional pages that don't bring more to the story). Tanihara is a cinnamon roll who sells sweets and takes care of the child of his ex-wife other relantion. I really hope that Chi (is this her name?) value that, because she wasn't even his daughter. And I liked the art so I'm gonna search more about this author. P.S.: This is messy aff
We gotta love this strange relantionships. I like so much unrequited loves that hurts me gosh. I would like this to have a better development, because I thought it was kinda rushed (the story, but especially the end).
Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko
Zaria's beautiful work never disappoints. It has such a beautiful art like always and oh my... The sex scenes *drools* I like this story because I think it has the ideal amount of chapters and plot and the characters are extremely preety. I mean look at that Jude or Lois *.* It has a unique plot, because of Lois' disease and I really enjoyed. Lemme just say... Sex scenes... *Drools*
Boys Love
Story about a traumatized model, Noeru, who falls in love "once more" with a reporter (i think), Mamiya (Mamiya is similar to a Noeru's childhood friend who died with leuchimia and who was loved by Noeru himself). Noeru lives an unhappy life, sleeping with several men to escape his memories and skipping school. He models too. The story starts happily and Mamiya and Noeru's relationships in the beggining is kinda awkward, but then develops to an healthy relation. I liked the plot in general, I just think the end was kinda rushed. Noeru's death was a little forced. I mean, a person can die from a stab, but Mamiya didn't even cared about calling an ambullance. He told Chidori, but still... And the other weak part is the character of Chidori. Chidori is shown as a shy guy, but cute and gentle. He likes to take care of Noeru, the person he loves, even knowing he sleeps with other men. But then Mamiya appears and Chidori just turns to a complete yandere?! M8 wut? .-. Appart from that the story has a nice development and it was a good read. I liked Mamiya character. P. S.: This is messy aff
Lonely To Organdy
This story is tragically beautiful and I love the art. I admire how the author managed to create a story so simple yet so interesting. I haven't read such a heartbreaking story in a long time so I'm glad I took my time to read this. So sad T_T But I liked how the author didn't give them a happy ending (ok this ending is also happy, but u know what I mean) because that would ruin the sentimental part of this story which is really important and gives dimension to the whole plot. Loved it man, I just wish we had the possibility to read and see more of this characters.
Iyayoiyayo mo kiss no uchi
So this is basically two stories in one about a pair of brothers. The main story is about the younger brother who had a crush in an older brother's friend, Megumi. Unfortunately, although they were very close when they were younger, they start to grow apart from each other and the love and jealousy (of his own brother) the boy felt were intrepretated as hate. Basically this story is about the reconciliation of both (well kinda) and the development of a relationship. The second story, my favourite (although Megumi was a hot mess) is about the older brother who is a guy with a not so good personality, as he himself states, who receives a confession from his best friend, Kazu. Kazu is a phlegmatic character who doesn't show much reaction to the world in general, so the older brother, who has a very interesting personality, gets curious and starts to mess around with Kazu and, in my opinion, if the story had been more developed it would create a great eye catching plot. I felt that they rushed the story just to create a pair to the older brother. It would be nice to see the background of this two characters and to assist to a more coherent development. But it was a good read and i fucking worship aniki with long haiiiiiir. And can we talk about how wonderful is the art?
Ore no Kimochi ga Wakaru ka
Interesting, but not my cup of tea. Childhood friends who have a wicked relationship. I was expecting a bigger development about the background, but i guess it worked well with all the mistery.
Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?