So once more I think this should more developed, like the characters relantions and shit. I personally don't like Tachibana attitude, like using Yugi like an object for pleasure even if he's married. I read some comments about the first time Mio and Yugi had sex. In my personal view it's not rape. Yugi didn't refuse Mio but also didn't accept him. I mean Yugi had his hearth broken so I think he really didn't care. But it isn't rape. He didn't refuse to do it, he just did. Like a neutral attitude. I love again unrequited loves, but I was so sad about Mio. I understand that Yugi couldn't stop loving Tachibana from the day to night and I understand that he left Mio. Maybe things were better like that, so they could restart their relantionship , but 4 years? 4 friggin years. Quite sad for Mio T_T Poor baby
Kasa No Shita, Futari