SANGWOAH's manga / #Cute ass story(59)


Complete | 켐제 (kemje),켐제 | 2019 released

I loved the dog in the hospital it was super funny. I really do ship secretary choi and seunggyu, I also ship sungwook and philbum. The story is good and very adorable but it was very rushed because it just ended adruptly all of a sudden. When the main event was over it just a ended suddenly with no side stories and no explanation on what happened to the main events characters.


Complete | Ker | 2017 released
2020-09-10 15:13 marked

This got to be one of my all time favorites, yohan is so cute I also love the concept of disabilities not because I want them to suffer but rather learn more about it, it was extremely fuzzy

A Pitiable Boss And A Pathetic Liason

Complete | Shuninta Amano | 2000 released
2021-08-08 15:33 marked

It was cute and fulfilling I'm glad that the married one doesn't have her head revolving around her husband and the Mc is super funny and cute kind of relatable too

Green Forest

Complete | Team Gaji | 2000 released
2021-08-08 18:09 marked

Its cute but just a little bit confusing

The Frontier

Complete | Akamura Saki | 2000 released

My eyes were sweating while reading this I love their love it's so pure and sincere ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Lit a Light

Complete | Sorakura shikiji | 2019 released

This is fucking gold I love how matsui became all soft for takahanshi this is sooooo damn cute

Best Friends

Complete | 하빈유,삵 | 2000 released

This shit is bussin to the core ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽


Complete | mí,riam bonastre tur | 2015 released

This whole story was very heartwarming in the characters were very well written they all grew up and developed had a character development moment which was very nice because all of them were quite immature and we're getting on my nerves when they kept making rash and bash decisions instead of actually thinking and communicating I had many times where I cried over the relationships of all of them and I've also been cheering them on from the sidelines the deaths were very sad and very well written because I feel like the characters who died made the main characters grow up immature and it made an impact in the whole story in general I cried and laughed squealed so many emotions I'm even embarrassed to even say it I love how William and his advisor oh no I forgot his name but they are so cute and very well retained there was no fetishization it was a very cute and slow burn which hurt me a lot but that's all right and I really wanted to see dani and Nico kiss on the lips at least once because I've been cheering the month since day one but all I got was a kiss on the cheek which is not bad but you know makes me want more the whole story was very wholesome and cute and just a very refreshing and this book feels basically like home

My Princess Charming

Complete | Teunteun | 2019 released

Although this was a very short not a very short one but it's shorter than what I'm used to reading so because it's shorter than when I'm used to reading I would I thought it was going to be lacking in many concepts but actually I feel so feel that even chapters that gave me slash books that gave me more than 80 chapters this didn't make me feel as fulfilled as this story had it's so cute and very it just talks about feelings and how you should be cautious with how you're dealing with a relationship so cute Special mention to our beautiful girl who covers her face I keep forgetting names because I read them so fast but she is the forever my favorite Cupid cuz damn bro she is pretty sexy charming and also a good friend who isn't too obsessive and if I could I would ask her hand in marriage please

A Wisdom Tooth

Complete | choda | 2019 released
2021-08-30 07:55 marked

This is so cute and short but I'm so happy this is so cute ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )