Nekoka Danshi No Shitsukekata
Another 5-volume installment in Sakyou Aya's werecats series. This one deals with lion, Shiou, and his half-brother, Michuru, whose feline identity hasn't popped out of the closet yet, as they negotiate their difficult, dangerous, emotionally fraught relationship between the minor distractions of rogue government agents trying to weaponize them, parents trying to whisk one of them off to Paris, school, career and two other cat-siblings, just the usual. And to top it all off, no sex.
Tour Shangri-La
Short stories themed on a sex tour company, which in the hands of Nishimura Shuuko, usually involve kinks. This one includes the 'King of the Ridge' public sex slave story. Unfortunately, the first story also includes the typical Interfering and Manipulative Bitch of Yaoi stereotyped female character.
Fukigen Kareshi No Saraikata