Kimi ga Koi ni Midareru
Final installment in Takanaga Hinako's Kimi ga Koi series, which began with Kimi ga Koi ni Ochiru and continued with Kimi ga Koi ni Obereru. Rejected firmly by Kimono proprietor, Jinnai, procurement manager Kijima is swept away by the beauty of unknown newcomer Ichikawa's designs, even while he is dead set against the innocent man's growing infatuation. Ichikawa's resistance to having his designs showcased is rooted in a past marred by treachery and professional sabotage. Will Kijima overcome his own resistance in order to uncover Ichikawa's secrets and protect him? Or, having outed him in spite of Ichikawa's reservations, will he leave the designer to face his enemies alone?
Kimi Ga Koi Ni Oboreru
2nd in Takanaga Hinako's Kimi Ga Koi Series, that started with Kimi Ga Koi Ni Ochiru and ends with Kimi ga Koi ni Midareru, this story furthers the adventures of Reichirou, from the first series, as told through the eyes of Jinnai, a kimono salesman from the shop which Reichirou, the eldest son of the company's owner, now manages. Jinnai's reaction to losing out the managerial position to such a young man starts off as irritation and envy, but evolves into attraction as Reichirou's modesty and purity win him over, then love as he confronts his own sense of entitlement and impetuosity, fighting off jealousy and insecurity when Kijima comes on the scene. This comes to a head when Reichirou's duty to his family includes meeting with a prospective marriage partner. Can Jinnai learn to trust?