Kodomo no Iibun
Fourth installment in the Mainichi Seiten series about the all-gay Obinata household. In this one, Shouu's unflinching honesty about his relationship with Yuuta causes his adopted son to come face-to-face with the traumas of his past and how he was formed by them. Unable to cope, he runs back to the neighbourhood of his youth, leaving everyone behind ... even Mayumi?
Second to last in Sugano Akira's sprawling Mainichi Seiten series about the noisy all-gay Obinata household, this volume deals with a disagreement between the explosive eldest, Taiga and Akinobu, the quiet and studious middle son, over an offer of university study overseas. Taiga is gripped by a past of deprivation and want, and it colours all his efforts and sacrifices when it comes to his family, but is this what is even troubling Akinobu, who hasn't been able to sleep? And how much of Taiga's frustration is also blue-balls syndrome, since his relationship with Shuu still hasn't been consumated (seriously)? Whenever Taiga is featured, the storyline goes a bit wackadoo and zany, because the guy can't seem to communicate without shouting at the top of his lungs. This tends to pitch the story into bathos, but it's important to read as a set up for the final and most interesting (in my opinion) story in this series, Akinobu and Ryuu-nii's relationship in Hanaya no Nikai de.
Kodomo wa Tomaranai