Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue follows the love story of Orito Kouki, a waiter who works in his mother's bar, and Mitsuru, the older brother of Kouki's friend, Yuzuru. The boundaries of brotherly love and duty are explored as Mitsuru tries to be dutiful to Yuzuru in a way that Kouki's own brother, Aoi, cannot be, as Aoi's love for Kouki is transgressive. Aoi's story is continued in the sequel,
Yorokobi wa Ude no Naka [http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/yorokobi_wa_ude_no_naka/]. Katou Setsuko's storytelling is realistic and subtle, and this story is a very satisfying read.
Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue