Senpai no Mizugi
Kamon Saeko makes sex fetishes seem sexy as hell — in this case, cross-dressing. Honda has no lack of casual sex partners, but he continues to demand time from his former swim-team senpai, Momotani, who's fed up, for his own secret reasons, with Honda's fooling around, and wants to stop visiting. The pair get drunk, go for a last swim together in the pool, and Momo ends up wearing the only swimsuit available, a woman's athletic one-piece ...
Moujuu School Days
It's Ass Hunter! I thought he found his target in another Kamon Saeko story.
Moujuu School Days
High school player and heterosexual, Jin, notices classmate, Itachi, being molested everywhere he goes by almost every male alive (welcome to Kamon Saeko's world), and offers him protection in exchange for exclusive molestation rights. Trouble is, both of them would prefer something a little more connected than mere sex.
Suki Dakara Itte Hoshikunai
The Ass Hunter story ... and two others, one featuring some smoking radar lust, train chikan and public sex. Kamon Saeko is the Queen of Kinks and Fetishes, but her yaoi appeal is all about those drives being tamed by love. It can take a few awkward wake up calls first.
Shichakushitsu No Midara Na Shinshi
Leg fetish.
Oresama Gattai Keikaku