schlongli's manga / #slice of life(24)

Kimetsu Gakuen!

Ongoing | Hokami natsuki,Gotouge koyoharu | 2019 released
2021-12-10 00:20 marked

Hori-san to Miyamura-kun [Webcomic]

Ongoing | HERO | 2000 released
2021-12-23 13:56 marked

my fav horimiya

Ameiro Paradox

Ongoing | natsume isaku | 2010 released


Ongoing | kizu natsuki,Gusari | 2013 released

Whenever I read this manga or watch the anime, it makes me so damn emotional. The story is super good yet depressing as fuck. Why u do dis natsuki-sensei?


Complete | Kyou Machiko | 2000 released

ㅜㅜ that was so sweeet