Ijimekko to Nakimushikun
Why did we go to a completely different couple ?but I liked the second couple more if I’m being honest or mmm idk actually but this was alright . No like development and uh it could’ve been better tbh. Idk but that’s just me
Omega Complex
si far I’m really liking thisagain basic but it’s so cute, however I do feel bad for dohyun bc he seemed like a good person even though I knew from the start he wasn’t going to be end game, I hope the side story’s are hopefully about him meeting someone, and the fact that they mentioned the middle school kid maybe that’ll be someone important, and well obviously grown up, maybe there’ll be a time skip , but this is good, no drama, no Miscommunication (well a little actually) but yes so cute. LMGGGG I KNEW IT, THEY DID ATART DATING BUT WE DIDNR GET TO SEE OTHER THAN THEM SAYING ITHELLOOO????? WHERES THE KIDBEAHHHHHWHEHSWHHE WHY DID IT END LIKE THAT NOOOOO
Mess up the Lip Line with a Kiss
dude this was like super cute omg I loved this idea/plot so unique and helllo??? The art style was SOO pretty too , I wish we would’ve seen the members reaction to them dating but still this was so so so cute
kiss on the piano