Nigireba Kobushi Hirakeba Tenohira
1 kisses 2 while two is asleep. 2 freaks out and 1 says he was serious. 2 calls him gross and runs away. A week pass and they dont talk. 2 is bothered that he’s the only one bothered by this. And confronts 1. 1 says he never said he liked 2. Feels incomplete.
Danshi Koukouseiteki Kazoku Keikaku!
I dont wanna marry your sister. I want to marry you.
Ai ni Naburareru
S is a playboy and caught U jerking off. U asked S to watch him. S falls for U. Second story is too short to make any sense imo.
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka
S confesses to U and promises he doesnt want U to reciprocate his feelings. But he did want to go on a trip with U.
Number Call
I think i wouldve enjoyed it more if i knew the intricacies of kanji and the number 8.
Soutaisei Koufukuron
U is in love w S and is adamant about helping S look for a gf so that he has an excuse to give up. S is in love with U but U keeps on cheering for his love life so he goes out with these girls but hes never really loved them bc hes hung up on U.
Musubenai Necktie
Theres no confession. Boo. Thats like the best partttt
Endou-kun No Kansetsu Nikki