Ore no Itoshi no Neet-kun
Chapter 5 thooooo! I want more of chapter 5
Nigireba Kobushi Hirakeba Tenohira
1 kisses 2 while two is asleep. 2 freaks out and 1 says he was serious. 2 calls him gross and runs away. A week pass and they dont talk. 2 is bothered that he’s the only one bothered by this. And confronts 1. 1 says he never said he liked 2. Feels incomplete.
Danshi Koukouseiteki Kazoku Keikaku!
I dont wanna marry your sister. I want to marry you.
Ai ni Naburareru
S is a playboy and caught U jerking off. U asked S to watch him. S falls for U. Second story is too short to make any sense imo.
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka
S confesses to U and promises he doesnt want U to reciprocate his feelings. But he did want to go on a trip with U.
Number Call
I think i wouldve enjoyed it more if i knew the intricacies of kanji and the number 8.
Wild And Strawberry