lovvlai's manga / #hospital(4)


Complete | Sugimoto Ami | 2000 released
2017-08-26 01:31 marked

birthday? as in when both of them are able to meet each other and start anew?

Kage Aru Tokoro ni

Complete | nishida higashi | 2005 released
2019-01-08 07:15 marked

6. he had an affair with older doctor who is now having stroke. his son comes work as an intern and knows about thhe affair.

Ore no Tantou Kangoushi ga Kanja no Chinpo wo Kui Asaru Kuso Bitch datta Kudan ni tsuite

Complete | ECHO Jiro | 2000 released
2019-05-19 03:18 marked

horny nurse seduces straight patient who was expecting a girl nurse.

Ore no Tantou Kangoshi ga Kanja no Chinpo o Kuiasaru Kuso Bitch datta Ken ni

Complete | Echo Jiro | 2000 released
2019-05-19 03:25 marked

the horny nurse gets forced by a gay patient. lol