Tiger & Bunny dj - Kousoku Kairaku
Prisoner (Kaen)
this feels like shit. i was mad at myself for reading this. mad just mad. like wth.
Gamushara Mob Rape 2 Chikan Jigoku Hen - Kuroko no Basuke DJ
kise gets rape by mob.
Bero Bero Yuru Yuru Tanoshii Sex
guy broke up with his gf and his guy friends cannot believe that they broke up. they searched his room for porn mags but found a sex video of him and his ex...but then the girl was actually fucking him...pegging.
Gintama dj - Kabe
its so interesting to see how worked up this author can make ppl feel..with just knowing that gin was just being gin, a clueless idiotic guy..whereas hijikata had to suffer this because of unfortunate timing...i was really frustrated with this manga for a while. unfortunately for me, this was one of the early works from harada i read and did not know such tragic ending was going to occur. :( sobs. idk man. first time i read it, i was reaaaaaaally pissed at gintoki also. but i think its just bad timing...hijikata's rape did not happen because of gintoki..it is the rapers who are at fault. yall should hate the rapers instead.
Gamerz Heaven! dj - Gamerz Heaven! Director's Cut
idk man. guy used to be a dog in past life but was abandoned??? idk, other life he became a human and attracted to gay bar owner. gay bar owner sells the guy for money....and one day, guy got gang raped when bar owner was away.
Mob For Jack