1. cat x rabbit
-rabbit creates a love potion so he can use it on the smart and popular cat to make him love him for a short time. he tells that cat to express love to him and steal kisses from him. when he thought the potion will make the cat forget everything, the cat told him that he remembers everything.
2. wolf x goat?
--wolf is always sleeping and leaning on the goat when he sleeps in class. the wolf would also bite him sometimes and sheep cant say no to him.
3. older dragon x younger dragon.
math professor is personally teaching a young pupil about math...
4. deer x reptile.
two dorm mates who rely on each other. in the winter time, the reptile have trouble waking up and other things so the deer helps him get through each day of winter. reptile is jealous of the deer's fur.
5. black crow x peacock.
peacock always gets rejected by girls but desparately wants a gf. he is friends with the crow who admires the peacock's colorful feathers. the crow collects the feathers and try to prevent peacock from having gf.
6. bat x bat. best friends who do everything together in mischief. they got bored with their games and activities. they happened to found an invisible cloak in a room and wore it. then the rabbit and cat came in and kiss. two bat friends were surprised that they were not the only ones to "feed" each other food...but the kiss was different from what they were doing...so they decided to try copy the "kiss" that they saw.
7. griffon x unicorn.
a professor and school nurse. professor always comes to the nurse/counserlor's room to complain about his students and the unicorn counselor would always quietly listen to his rants. unicorn is secretly gay and was kicked out of his tribe. seeing that the unicorn's mood went down after talking about getting gf and whatnot, the professor offers to listen to the unicorn's troubles.
8. bear x human.
a bear saved a human one day and they quickly became friends. they told each other about their kingdoms and met each other when they had breaks.
--i like the deer and wizard story best...
The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms