lovvlai's manga / #brotherly love(2)

Haikei, Niisan-sama

Complete | TAGURA Tohru | 2010 released
2016-12-07 22:22 marked

I think this was myfirst shounen ai

Kimijima Kyoudai no Honkai

Complete | Cam | 2000 released

5.two brothers live alone in the house. parent divorce and father is overseas but send money reguarly. they both have feelings for each other but do not say it. it first started out when older brother have many gf and bring them home to have sex. younger bro who always loved his brother witnesses the scene and go after the 'women' after theyve been cast away. he knows that his brother wants to be held instead and one day violated his bro. but then they start to have sex regularly but younger bro stopped having sex with older bro so the brother went to find a person who can violate him instead. younger bro got upset.