lovvlai's manga / #Ex-boyfriend(1)

Escape Journey

Complete | OGERETSU Tanaka | 2015 released

volume 3. naoto and taichi were "going out" in high school first year. but relationship broke off when taichi told naoto that they were using each other for sexual gratification only. years later they reunite in university and become friends again. naoto believes it is better to stay as friends since they have fun but if they start dating they will get upset and bicker all over again. but both still love each other so they start dating again. drama ensues, jealosy, rape, and coming out. all in one package. A little iffy on the first two volumes. Very dramatic with misunderstandings, jealousy, rape, and immature brats. But throughout the manga, they really grow up more and start looking at their surroundings. Buying the third volume was the best decision ever (you really should buy it! Translation and quality is better there). The ending was very sweet. I love the coming out to the parents and friends---some acceptance from others and some you just can't satisfy. Also love the hot sexy time in the onsen.