Ase to Sekken
This couple is so adorable! Aaaah! I waaaant more!
Give Me a Flower, and I'll Give You All of Me
I hope EunSung will find his courage to stand for HaeWon. I want to read moooore
Secret Love Webtoon
This is sooo adorable! I want them to be a couple already!!! I love them.
Who is the Prey
I don't know if I'm also twisted but I like Mr. FU. Please just fall in love with each other and be happy.
Hatsu Haru
This is just sooo high school! Adorably sweet! You gotta find some Kai-kun in your life.
All I Want Is... Who?!
I was disappointed in Miseol because I want her to end up with Geonwoo. Ugh. Girl, you change your mind so easily. Though I like Haewon also, I don't like the pacing of the story. Don't like it at all. Sooo disappointing. This one is a gem! I have my share of a good laugh with every character! I can't wait for the next chapter to come.
My Wife is Back
The plot of the story is quite cliche but well... who cares?! Mu Won is so hot and Yu Rae is so beautiful. I want them to get back together again and slam the bitch who's flirting with his husband! Aaahhhh!!! Mooore please.
Summer Solstice Point