Over Reach Boy
I've only read the first chapter, as that's all there is for the time being, so I can't rate it, as there's not enough to ho on. I'm glad there was no h, as the kid's only 14!
Hana wa Saku ka
I'd love to read it right now, but it's too long and I don't have the time.
Close your eyes
3.5 stars. This was really good, but it needs a continuation in which they actually get together! (Then I would rate it 4 stars.) I really hope so - for their sakes and ours! As things stand, it was pretty heart-rending to see them not get together, when they're so clearly in love. The last pages leave room for hope, though. I choose to believe that he meant that they would get together later, when he leaves the family.
I really want to read this! I has a 'Close your Eyes' feel to it!
Sono Te Ni Muse Ga Yorisou
Akegata ni Yamu Ame
I really want to read this, even though it's 'only' shounen ai.
Kiss Blue
Thanks for the memories? Fufufu Edit: Oh wow! I just read 1 of the stories, (chapter 5 I think), and it freaking tore my heart out and stomped on it! It actually made me ugly cry! Urgh! So depressingly realistic and bittersweet, (mostly bitter). I MUST read the whole manga!
Makeinu No Nandemoya