tsukineko's manga / #grief(6)

Tooi Nemuri

Complete | Yamakami Riyu | 2008 released

Both stories were good, especially the first one. For once in yaoi, the mc chose to do the right thing, no matter how difficult, (although he did fuck up a little before realising his error), but he still got his happy end, (well as happy as possible, given the circumstances). Also, I liked the way the dead person is not just conveniently forgotten about, but the character still manages to move on, (in a realistic manner). Both stories are realistic and mature. Errors are made and moved on from in a very human manner.

Ki ga Au to Iu Koto wa

Complete | ASOU Kai | 2015 released

Ok. The first story was better than the second. Btw, yeah, megane-san, (I can't remember your name), you were being seriously selfish by not giving a straight, (lol, npi), answer for all that time and keeping him hoping for more. Well, at least his perseverance won out in the end, I guess, although the story ended before megane-san had fully fallen in love. The first story, with the ghost, was kinda creepy and wrong, but it did deal relatively sensitively and realistically, with the situation of how to move on after a loved one dies. Editing to say that there's an extra oneshot manga for the 2nd story in this. It's called 'Ki ga au to iu koto de'.

Sakura Buntsuu

Complete | himawari souya | 2010 released

Jigoku Yuki Bus

Complete | MEIJI Kanako | 2000 released

2 stories, both on the theme of past trauma, (loss : grief/abandonment), and how it affects future relationships. Sounds interesting - light psychological I guess. Apparently the art's not much good, but the story makes up for it.


Complete | Ebihara Yuri | 2005 released

3.5 stars. At times I thought this was meh, at others beautiful. When it ended I certainly thought that it all came together nicely, and it did make me cry from the beauty and sadness. The whole thing had a bittersweet feeling to it. I liked the inclusion of the fairytale, which worked very well, although it could have been expanded further. I would reread this.

Fullmetal Alchemist - Traumerei (Doujinshi)

Complete | Idea | 2000 released

As commented by '勇気 (Yuuki)': "The central theme to this short read: the compromises one makes in order to maintain "sanity" in the face of loss."