Yukimura-sensei To Kei-kun
By the mangaka of 'Given'! About abandonment issues and feelings of vulnerability.
Age Called Blue
After this, read 'Show ga Hanetara Aimashou'.
Rokugatsu no Hengen-san
«●[]●» the Fukujyu Boading House Series. 1 Sangatsu Boujitsu, Kuma o Hirotta - 15 yrs love trauma of the bear. 2 Rokugatsu no Hengen-san - The mysterious same art & suicide. 3 Shichigatsu no Kousaten - The continuation of Natsu & Haru destiny
Shichigatsu no Kousaten
«●[]●» the Fukujyu Boading House Series. 1 Sangatsu Boujitsu, Kuma o Hirotta - 15 yrs love trauma of the bear. 2 Rokugatsu no Hengen-san - The mysterious same art & suicide. 3 Shichigatsu no Kousaten - The continuation of Natsu & Haru destiny
This looks quite original, both art-wise and story-wise. Also, the h is uncensored and pretty erotic from what I've seen. Toad commented: 'The interesting character-driven plot asks whether pride, stubborness and integrity are character virtues or flaws.' This is something I regularly ask myself, as I too possess these traits and can see the good and bad sides. Actually, I'd love to chat with the mangaka, as I've also often wanted to create a character-driven manga with a similar artstyle, so I wonder how many other things we might share in common! For all of these reasons, I'm really looking forward to reading this.
Even Just the Tip