Sugar Dog Life
bro this is the best. super cute minimal drama. just wonderful
The Black Haired Princess
awesome. fantastic. rly rly great. love the flirty bantering between the leads. love their interactions. love the "enemies" to rivals/friends to in the future lovers. very excited to see more bit of a nitpicky thing would be how the FL kinda downgraded after a couple chapters. she used to kick butt in the beginning but recently not so much. but anyways still rly good.
Mercenary Enrollment
Haha plssss. This is the first manhwa that I saw a male lead sexy tag. They ain't wrong tho. Anyways. Super interesting rly gets my heart pumping in an awesome way.
Until I Meet My Husband
loved it way more than i thought i would. beautiful story. definitely recommend
My Home Your Oneroom
omg wow i liked this a lot. super sweet story. great art.
Love Me Or I'll Kick Your Ass!!!