Dark Heaven
This is one of the best mangas I have ever read in my entire life. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to read it. While one of the main characters is a celebrity, the topics of racism and homophobia are unfortunately so commonplace, this story feels shockingly realistic. The reason I feel so grateful to have read this manga at this time in my life is because of the character Conor. I have been struggling to accept the fact that I'm gay for a long time. After I finished reading this and saw Conor's journey to self-acceptance, I just sat in the dark at 2:30 am and cried. I cried because it was beautiful, I cried because it was fulfilling. But really, I cried because I realized I can't force myself to be straight anymore. I can't live the rest of my life hating myself. Being in a relationship with someone of the same sex isn't dirty, like my family or some factions of society say. Love is beautiful no matter which people are building it together. If you are thinking about reading this manga you should. Not only does it have a compelling mystery and heart-wrenching drama. But it also talks about important topics. It forces you to look at the difficult parts of society, the ugly parts of your family, and your own self-hatred. Not only will you have a good time, but you might also walk away fundamentally changed, as I did.
In the Cage
Lovely!!! A beautiful story about fated mates, the artwork is breathtaking. The love triangle is a little annoying. But I love the ending <3
Torokeru Kami-kon
Amazing! Hilarious! One of my favorites! if you haven't read this yet give it a go you won't regret it!
Private Stripper
Love this artist, a funny and romantic story about love and stripping.
A Thousand Cranes
Fantastic! A compelling love between two very different people who prove to be each other's salvation. One of my new favorites!
Midnight Rain (CTK)