Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
They’ve gotten really lovable now, I can’t wait to see them together now. The way they both watched each other and remembered what he liked and everything, making sure to help him out too even if he was “cold”
The Grown Dog Bullies Its Owner
So adorable I love themm
Into The Horizon
damn.. Ji hyun is so eerie, I love his eyes and his contrast with his hair. Hanjoo looks cute too
For You Who Grieves
Ahahahhhh…so cute, I really love the story. The way hangyeol notices all these things to find out who doyoon really was. The switch up! At least y’know he’s loyal. Such applauses for the art
Don't Mess with The Yakuza! ~ Broken in by a Crime Syndicate Deputy Leader
My "Toy" is Connected to My Best Friend
…..damn man has a lot of energy to burn off ig
That Time I Got Stuck to the Guy I Hate
He goes from hating his guts to loving him so much. The magnetic elements made it more exciting and cute
Reverse Thinking
Ugghhhh, wtf. The pretty face was just a facade, why did it turn out to be so disgusting underneath…
Harenai Sekai de Kimi Dake Mieru