Koi Nanka Shitakunai
I wasn't expecting much when I started this, since I didn't like the spin off of the glasses boy & the teacher, & also I usually hate anything hinting at incest, but..... this was SOOO AMAZING!!!! I really surprisingly enjoyed it, & for me it was mostly because of how "properly" the uke hid his feelings for such a long time without blushing at super obvious points or having angry outburst or breakdowns~ almost like a real person! I usually really hate wishy washy characters who can't hide their feelings properly & fall apart or have random emotional outbursts, so this was really refreshing!
19 Days
The story goes back & forth too suddenly & it’s sometime hard to catch up; there’s too many gag panels (more than non-gag ones!) & though the gags are usually quite fun to read (even if sometimes they make me feel so embarrassed for the characters!), there’s so many of’em that it kinda ruins the mood Still, overall, I’m enjoying this so far (read up to 283) I especially find the art perfectly gorgeous! I hope it’ll have a good ending
Owaranai Fukou Ni Tsuite No Hanashi
I can't say exactly why (perhaps because it's 3am & im exhausted?!) but this is just sooooo adorable! I've already lost count of how many times I've re-read this~~
Itsuka no Koi to Natsunohate
It was pretty cliche, but quite well done in its own way I enjoyed it a lot, so even though it may be too much, I’ll still give it 4 stars~
1/365 no Koibito
It was pretty good~ I’m not sure why I’m giving 3 stars...it’s probably closer to 3.5 for me... it’s just that I felt something was lacking...can’t quite put my finger on it, but... I guess it could have been the sheer stupidity of those 10 years of waiting/self-denial before they finally faced their feelings!
Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete
The art was nice enough & the main couple were pretty interesting, but all the stories were generally quite shallow...
Nikushoku Danshi to Soshoku Danshi
OMG!!!! I’m giving this 5️ Just because of the parents’ reaction!!!! It was amazing!!!! Their family is so delightfully weird that I really want to be a part of it just to experience the bizarreness!!! Aside from that, though I think it could’ve been much more adorable, it was still cute enough that I enjoyed it immensely~
This was fun. The characters were interesting, especially the sème was honesty a laugh~ I didn’t like the forced “stuff” in the beginning. I’m not the type to whine about mild forced/rape themes in general, I just don’t like it when it is treated so lightly like in this story... it is a serious reality, so I’m fine with it in stories as long as it is taken seriously~
Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru