Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata
I loved the first couple, The idiot and the reborn nerd. The second couple is slightly more complicated.... I couldn't really spare any sympathy for the uke, since I liked his ex... The story of his ex is told in Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku, but I recommend reading this first; this way you wouldn't feel so unsympathetic towards the uke & U'll enjoy the story more!
Owaranai Fukou Ni Tsuite No Hanashi
I can't say exactly why (perhaps because it's 3am & im exhausted?!) but this is just sooooo adorable! I've already lost count of how many times I've re-read this~~
K-Sensei no Himitsu no Netsujou
I really like how obsessed & possessive the sème is, especially since despite his pushiness, there aren’t any scenes that have a rape-like feeling & I really like the art too *** I don’t know why I liked this so much before, but I guess I was too much of a teenager:D Well as for now, I have to knock off another ️ because I just didn’t like it that much Yes, the seme is assertive and the way he’s so sure of their relation is pleasant, but it is also meaningless if he can’t properly convey it to his lover The art is also so~so~
Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu
I’m surprised at how much I like this story, considering The fact I really can’t bring myself to like the 2 main characters at all!!! The sème is too controlling for my taste...not that he doesn’t have good reason for it, since the Ike is a total man whore But in the end, I really like the chemistry between these disfunctioning pair of lovers. Also, I came to like it more after reading the sequel in “Suki Toiunoni Nazekashira” Also, I like the art... especially the long haired sème is total eye candy!
Ai ga Matteru
Once again, I can’t personally bring myself to like either of the main characters portrayed by this Mangaka, but I absolutely love this story all the same!
Kimi To Mita Houkiboshi O Sagashite
It was cute & sorta sweet, but mostly confusing... The story didn’t have a good flow & I was left thinking “WTH” most of the time~
Ookami wo Karu Housoku
I’m really enjoying this! Such a pity that it’s bi-monthly!!!
Renai Kidou
It was quite good, except that the uke kept thinking of really weird things during sex~ I wish the second story was longer & the third was... honestly, a bit creepy...
Puchitto Hajiketa