Chika-chan to!
Gravitation Dj
You can really understand what YAOI HARDCORE means by reading this. It's completely fucked up!
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
Ok so.. *breathes in* Future cripes.. I didnt read this before because the chap 1 and 2 were boring to me.. it seemed like a regular fucked up harada-style webtoon which glorified rape. The thing is... yes it's all of those.. and I dont know why I didnt pursue reading it then but I'm glad I gave it one more chance with an open mind. Because this is GOLD. Not just because of the in-depth plot and character progression but how well it's drawn and how immersive the story is. In a way I'd like to describe this at its core as a sadist-masochist relationship unfolding. Both seme and uke have a parasitic co-dependent toxic relationship. The uke is to be pitied because he is the most exploited character.. and the seme is such a enigmatic puzzle.. And the scholar should get his head cut off and drowned in a pool! I hate my vagina but the author is SO GOOD that they were able to make every sex scene (which was mostly rape between seme and uke) be drawn so masterfully REAL and SENSUAL that it turns me on. And the author is so good that they were able to make something so vile and ugly as rape be converted to a sick, form of excitement. They're making his fall in a deep hole so acceptance of the seme and his mad self through the innocent lamb uke. It's like dark humor, one who laughs at fucked up jokes about suicide, rape, self harm etc . Has only one-way ticket to hell. And I can say for sure that I should continue reading the story because I'm pretty sure the author is definitely going to blow it up. An awesome-paced, mysterious story line with every unexpected twist and turn and refreshingly disturbing amount of fucked up ness is what sold it to me. I didnt fap this time but when I do do it, i know then I'm going to hell for sure. (The seme SUCKS AZZ but he is SO HOT. And i hate myself for liking this so much. Shit fuckity fuckity fuck fuck!)
one star less cuz no more chaps... anime is WAY better.
Beauty is the Beast