I'm No Match For Him
Ah simply loved it!! I mean who won't¯_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯ Honestly tho,I was kinda stressed while reading this because they legit kiss and fuck each other almost in all the chapters and ah was just here and be like--someone don't walk in my room,imma get caught(ꏿ﹏ꏿ;) I was actually hoping that they'd chase around each other a bit more longer than it showed and also it was a bit cringy and awkwardly uncomfortable at the beginning of their relationship. Plus,Honestly I was actually looking forward to a nice chic side story of Ushioda and Kosaka but welp! I guess it can't be helped,can it? Well,I've only stayed the cons here but other than these points the story line,art was really somethin. I mean no one out there is perfect,isn't it? Plus I still liked the story and I'm very glad I chose to read this comic! Ah liked it a lot!(◡ ω ◡) The authors have my full support! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Yakimochi wa Kitsuneiro
I really loved it!!! Usually whenever ah read a manga there are somethings that don't match up to my taste and are sort of outta the frame of comic line but this one.... OH YEAH,THIS ONE!! there wasn't a single thing that I didn't find interesting! Tho there there was this thing that--i wish there were a bit more nice to the fox spirit (eventhough I know it possessing the guy was bad but hey! He tried to amend those two together and even spiced up their story so they could progress a bit more than just kissing each other! I still liked the story a lot!! The authors have my full support!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Kanzen Koufuku Darling