The Abandoned Empress
The FL is so weak and meek, with zero sel-confidence, no personality, low self-esteem, and even after learning swordsmanship, she stays helpless and as boring as a piece of paper. After all the HORRIBLE sh*t she goes through she pretty much forgives the bastard that not only rapes her but kills not only her but her FATHER! Even after knowing it was NOT a dream. I'm pretty sure that she will end up with him too. As if doing messed up sh*t like that and more is automatically erased if the guy starts being a little nice to you OR it's okay because he had some childhood trauma or some sh*t???! HELL NO!
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
Nicely done! What a series and what an ending
Ai no Konseki - Yajuu Gunsou to Aigan Guni
Prince, You're So Cheap!
Waste of time! Weak female lead. Incredibly frustrating. Dropping.
New Sexy Simpleton
Shallow characters like in the other "Sexy Simpleton" manhwa. Everything is about appearances and whether they're attractive or not... Just pointless! Someone calling his fiance an ugly stupid woman every chance he gets is just WRONG!
Burning Hell