What It Means to be You
Su*c*de Trigger Warning!!! There are A LOT of 'Su1c1de Triggers!!! Multiple Su1c1de attempts in the webtoon/manga! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Drama with a capital D!!! The drama and the heartache is strong in this one!!! Don't start if you're prone to having 'feelings' and 'crying' because you will do both to the MAX!!! This is so sad and makes me mad thinking about just how the author/mangaka's making all the drama by making misunderstandings and suicide attempts and instead of a little bit of communication, the main leads just throw themselves off buildings or shoot themselves... I don't see how they can live happily TOGETHER if all they ever do is su1c1de.
Father, I don't Want this Marriage
The main lead looking like a child and the fashion sense of almost every female character being lolita/child-like is off-putting to say the least but the plot is very interesting.
The Villainess is a Marionette
Just a female lead. Not a strong one...
I Met the Male Lead in Prison Webtoon
Revenge Wedding
Had to skip about 40 pages, because it was so incredibly slow lol
I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter