Tied Up In Twins
I like woojung (the older twin) better than sarang (the youngest twin), for real he's my favorite character after all but he's not the main character but it's okay. For the main couple jiwoo x sarang, i still don't get the chemistry both of you. Like, I think jiwoo's love is instant. Your love story feels normal, nothing special. Honestly the story is not very special, just like ordinary story. the storyline and characters felt awkward, rushed and under developed. The author looks like he's out of ideas. Still I love woojung.
Eunsoo's Good Day
I love the art, very beautiful. I really really love this story ️️️️️ Walaupun ceritanya tidak sehebat itu, tapi tidak buruk sama sekali. Hanya plot ringan tentang anak dari seorang single parent yang akan menikah lagi, dan suami baru nya punya anak kembar. Masalah si anak kembar, keduanya suka sama hyung baru mereka (step brother). So, walaupun mereka tau hub mereka salah, tetap lanjut sampe akhir it's shitty plot but great art
Kuro X Koi