Walk on Water
Creed Schreiber, screen name Glenn McQueen owns a gay porn company. Ed Talbot, screen name Tommy Ross was born Yeowoon. Stuck paying back an old debt to a loan shark, Ed begins shooting porn videos at McQueen's studio to make extra money. Loan shark and former friend of Ed, Chang runs XI Jiao restaurant, a front for mafia activities.
Developmental BL Anthology
Ondakun is a massage therapist with a crush on his weekly client, a straight business man. When the client confesses to having ED, Ondakun offers him a special massage as a joke, but the naive client takes him up on his offer.
The Good Teacher
Inexperienced guy keeps getting dumped by his girlfriends. He seeks help by responding to an ad looking for students who want to learn how to be a better lover. Little did he know, the ad was a joke, and the 'teacher' is simply someone more specially experienced, who never thought anyone's would answer the ad. LOVE IT!
Iresasete Kudasai
Kyousuke and Shizuma work together at a bar, as trainer and trainee, respectively. Shizuma, a virgin, has a crush on Kyousuke, who "hate[s] virgins"! Eventually, the two engage in a Dom/sub kind of relationship, where Kyousuke teases Shizuma sexually, without allowing any penetration. Will they ever go all the way?
Deep Bloody Night
300 yo virgin vampire bites a tasty, general director. They decide to exchange: blood for sex.
Sleeping Man Loving Man
Super hot story of co-workers Royce (long, blonde haired, straight seme) and Jude (younger, short haired, buff uke). Jude, is gay and has had a crush on Royce for quite some time. Believing there was little or no hope of anything between them, Jude has been holding back. (Extended story: Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko).