yokaiseven's manga / #cute uke(3)

If You Hate Me So

Complete | Fargo | 2016 released
2021-03-05 03:27 marked

Senpai no Mizugi

Complete | KAMON Saeko | 2000 released
2021-03-09 08:53 marked

A Paramour

Complete | Brothers without a tomorrow | 2000 released

hmmm... i really like the plot and the romance of this manhwa even if it exceeded 150 chapters. Cant get enough of it. But the ending seems TOO RUSHED. We did not even see the resolution we wanted to see. The mom being arrested and tortured, the side couple, and anemone. I mean the author can say that "well you can save it to your imagination" but it still not it. I wish they made the later parts longer like the drama in the mid chapters. The resolution chapters were only just 2 I think and Sooho just said "sould we just run away?" then BAAM!! ENDING with too little snippets of anyone else. The ending just felt too dry and too awkward.