Ore-sama na Doukyuusei no Kenzoku ni Narimashita
Ten Prism
The story revolves around Tsunashi, the child of royalty who was left behind in the lost kingdom of Karan. He is expected by those around him to awaken his great powers that sleep within him in order to revive the kingdom — but rather than fighting, Tsunan enjoys playing in the world of books. However, he must become serious soon, as a new army is threatening to invade Karan.
Lily System
240107 Two high school girls discover a shabby machine in the back of a barn and it leads them to a strange world
Gong Heon Ja
Kisshou Tennyo
Sayoko is a newly transferred student: gifted with rare beauty and mysterious and magnetic charm, she captures every student's attention. Among them, the introverted Yuiko and the grumpy Mari become friends with Sayoko, while Ryou, a known womanizer, wastes no time and tries to hit on her, unleashing his girlfriend's rage. But this story has countless plot twists, characters and secrets… From Banana Fish and Yasha's author, a manga that won a Shogakukan Award and defined as "a must" by Matt Thorn, one of the greatest shoujo manga experts. Recently Kisshou Tennyo became popular again thanks to the TV drama and the movie adaptation!
Monster Child
Not only is Charlotte becoming stronger, but Charlie is also changing...Each of them are missing something the other has... But will they be able to help each other out?
Akuma no Mama
Seir, a demon whose being summoned by a grade schooler girl Sakura, in order to fulfill her wish, now she's spend her days struggling with "How to be a Mama"!
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