I Became the Lousy Side Top
Aaackkkkk i loooovvveee this so much huhuhuhu omygad like the ml doesn't look so invinsible and he has so many flaws and emotional showed here like i looove it TvT but i hope they changed this from the novel counterpart they said the author rush it
See You, My King
Omygaddddddd this is the one i saw in my fb group i ddint think i will read it out of a coincidence ahhhhhhhh and itss shoooooo gooood!!!!! omygad omygaddd ahhhhh!!! I cant wait for the next chapterrrr give me moraaarrrr (*´ω`*) Alternative name and links: 再见我的国王 Goodbye,my king (TvT just the title will make you cry) https://mangagg.com/comic/see-you-my-king/
Get the Heroine's Script
There's many loopholes but i ignored it hahahah jeez i cant hell but feel second hand embarrassment because of the mc ahahahahhaha I don't know if he's an idiot or what anyway the mysterious thing i notice is how the og body died and who is the culprit oooOohhhh.
What the fuck this is too fucking tragic the mc didn't even have a chance to enjoy peaceful life becore he was thrown again into the pits of hell when he just crawled out of it waaaaaaaw just its too heart aching, the art is beautiful tho.
Stuck in My Sister's Dating Sim
Former King
The artwork is gorgeous the story is a bit confuding and fast phase
Nagano Hymns
waiting. . . . . . . . . . Edit:focck too short wuwuwuwuwuwu how long am i gonna wait agai TvT
Reincarnation Idol & Idol Freak Night
Awwww they're soooooo adorable even tho this love being reciprocated by both but that doesn't really happen in real life haishhhhhh that's why i love the fictional world atleast here you can dream of anything you want and imagine it and it will come through, from these stories that i read is so precious to me they are a treasure it gives me comfort in bad times and encourage me, lift up my spirits they help me get past they're my companion in my life that's why I'm grateful they exist,they are alsways by my side whenever i need them,they are my reason to be able to reach this age.my pillar of support spiritually and mentally. that i discovered this precious gem of the fictional world and characyers thank you im crying omygad so dramtic goshhh ghorl stop your tears...... I want to keep reading. . . . As a reader who has an omniscient reader's viewpoint i will always keep reading and reading i will not stop reading this beautiful masterpieces.
Zhong Qing
OmYLORDDDDDD I FUCKING LOVE THISSSSSS WHERE IS THE FUCKING NOVELLLLLL AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Bad trans up to 30 chaps https://manhwatop.com/manga/the-power-of-the-soul/ Haven't found the novel (if it exists)
Don't Touch Me (Leenong)