A Link Between Relationships
I cant beleive it ughhh i wanna cry so bad hngggggg waaaahhhhhh being one sided love to one another this love triangle is too much im crying im screaming ahhhhhhhhhh it made me cry so much why oh why just please i beg you mc pick the one who cares and understand you the moat whos always there by your side please i beg you (for yours to claim too pick cain!) Please dont hurt each other too much
Be My Baby
It's hilarious and full of second hand embarrassment, anyway I'm starting classes tomorrow and I'm fucking anxious aaaaaaaaaaa whatamigonnadoooooooooo gib me courage kamisama!
The Deepest Confession
Hooooh let's see more I'm interested
Enomoto-senpai wa Tenshi Nanka Janai
Fcckkkkkk aaaaaaa wuwuwuuww huhuhuhuhu yingyingying T^T this is yoo much why do you have to hurt us like this author san whyyyyyyy let them have their peaceful romance i want their happy ending or I'll haunt you! Just discovered this at 2 am and crying my eyes out i wanna wail and scream so badly I'll probably wake up with puffy eyes af
Define The Relationship